January Ladies’ Night Out
All ladies are invited to join us at Longhorn on Tuesday, January 14th, at 6 p.m. Bring a friend along! Please sign up in the foyer if you plan to go!
2025 Ladies’ Conference
2025 Ladies’ Conference—Sign up in the foyer if you plan to attend the 2025 Ladies’ Conference on Saturday, March 8th, from 9:30-1:30! Tickets are available for $35 each until February 14th. Please see Debbie Fields for details.
District Teen Snow Tubing
District Teen Snowtubing will be at Winterplace on February 7th. Cost is $25. See Pastor Jason/Emily to register.
District Teen Lock In
The District Teen Lock In at Malibu Jacks on January 10th is $45 each. Please see Pastor Jason or Emily if you plan to attend!
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Everyone is welcome to gather with us on Christmas Eve at 10:00 p.m. for a special Candlelight Service. We will have special music and readings by Pastor Randy Ledsome. It will be a special night of reflection & worship.
December Crisis Care Kit Item
CRISIS CARE KIT ITEM FOR December is 1 full size tube of toothpaste. Please place donated items in the basket under the Missions Table in the Main Hall. Thank you for giving to those in need!
Our ERNC AWANA Club will kick off on Wednesday, September 4th, at 6 p.m. Club night runs from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Children age 3-5th Grade will enjoy our weekly children’s Bible club where they will learn to memorize scripture, engage in fun activities, hear Bible Lessons, and play exciting games! Register by visiting our www.elkrivernaz.com/social/ page and you will find the registration form there for you! AWANA Club meets each Wednesday night. As safety is of the utmost importance, children will need to be signed in and signed out of club by their parent or designated adult guardian. We can’t wait to see you!